Chrissy Streit
Streit Consulting and Advocacy
I believe that the relationship between the family and the school is the key to an efficient and rewarding special education experience. When all parties involved are informed, a shared goal is truly attainable. I have sat at all seats at the table, and have a unique set of experiences and skills to help educate and empower you to create the best educational experience for your child.
My Story
I started my career in education without any idea that I would become so passionate about special education, and helping families navigate this complicated journey. I received a degree in Elementary Education, and planned on someday teaching Kindergarten or First Grade. My plan was always to start a family, and stay home until my children entered school. Then, I would hopefully get a teaching job at their school and we would all be on the same schedule. It seemed like a simple and attainable goal. After graduating I worked in my local school district as a substitute teacher for a while, and then we started a family. We had a beautiful baby girl, and about a year later, found out we were expecting a son. Everything was right on track, but it is funny how life has other plans.
Two days shy of my third trimester, I went into labor with our son. He was born via emergency cesarean, and the trauma during birth lead to a lack of oxygen, and permeant damage to his brain. We spent six weeks in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, the NICU, and had a crash course in nursing a child with special needs. When we brought our son home he was still weeks away from his due date. The doctors had vague ideas of what types of challenges he may face in the future, but he was healthy and strong, and we felt unbelievably lucky to be a family of four.
As our son grew, it was obvious he was not meeting developmental milestones. At eighteen months he was given the diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy, and my whole world shifted. At this point we were fully immersed in the world of early intervention, and I took a job as a developmental specialist at the organization that was servicing my son. When he turned three, he transitioned into the public school system, and things got complicated. The shift from early intervention to preschool services was confusing and unwelcoming. I did not know what I could ask for, and what we should be expecting. I did a lot of research, and fought hard to ensure he was receiving the appropriate services. Even with my background, I wished there was someone to help me through it.
When he entered kindergarten, I had a pretty firm grasp of our rights as a family, and what was to be expected, what I wasn't prepared for was the emotional roller coaster that IEP meetings brought. It was a challenge to advocate through those emotions, and I wasn't always as assertive as I wanted to be. Soon, I started working at the same school as my son, as a fifth grade teacher. After several years I discovered my true passion lay in special education, and I pursued the field with enthusiasm. Teaching special education was wonderful and rewarding, but I really felt my particular skill set leant itself towards helping the families through the process.
And now here I am. Ready to help you through this complicated journey. I can teach you, guide you, and speak on your behalf when emotions are running high. I understand, because I am going through the same thing. Let me guide you on this path, and together we can build the best educational experience for your child.
Credentials and Experience
Field Experience
Special Recognition
Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education
Master of Education in Special Education Pedagogy
Developmental Specialist for Los Angelitos Early Intervention
5th Grade Teacher at Taos Charter School
2nd Grade Teacher at Taos Charter School
Special Education Teacher at Taos Charter School
Best of Taos- Best Educator, 2nd Place 2018